During the first year of employment, newly hired full-time non-exempt staff receive 40 hours of front-loaded sick leave and 40 hours of front-loaded vacation (Annual Leave). Due to the 40-hour front load, sick and vacation accruals will be adjusted for the first year. See Accrual rates below.
Sick hours balance must be below 480 hours to accrue additional hours.
Sick leave may be used for the following.
Preventative care
Illness or injury of the employee
Illness or injury of the employee's immediate family, living in the employee's home
Care for parents and parent in-laws, regardless of whether they are living in the employee's home
Vacation (Annual Leave)
Bi-Weekly Accrual
< 4 Years of Service: 3.69 hours (12 days)
4-7 Years of Service: 4.62 hours (15 days)
8-11 Years of Service: 5.54 hours (18 days)
12+ Years of Service: 6.77 hours (22 days)
Bi-Weekly Accrual (New Hires w/40 hour front-load)
< 4 Years of Service: 2.24 hour (12 days)
4-7 Years of Service: 3.2 hours (15 days)
8-11 Years of Service: 4.16 hours (18 days)
12+ Years of Service: 5.44 hours (22 days)
Vacation (Annual Leave) hours balance must be below 200% of yearly accrual rate to accrue additional hours (see chart below).
Years of Service
Accrual Rate (per paycheck)
Accrual Limit
< 4 Years of Service
3.69 hours
192 hours
4-7 Years of Service
4.62 hours
240 hours
8-11 Years of Service
5.54 hours
288 hours
12+ Years of Service
6.77 hours
352 hours
Additional Information for Full-Time Staff
A full pay period covers two work weeks (80 hours total). Each work week begins on a Saturday and ends on a Friday. Sick and vacation accruals are calculated based on actual time paid. To receive full accruals, full-time non-exempt staff must have at least 80 hours of paid time recorded for the pay period. No additional accruals are given for paid time over 80 hours in a pay period.
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Full-time Exempt Staff
New Hires
During the first year of employment, newly hired full-time exempt staff receive 40 hours of front-loaded sick leave and 40 hours of front-loaded vacation (Annual leave). Due to the 40-hour front load, sick and vacation accruals will be adjusted for the first year. See Accrual rates below.
Sick Leave
Full-time exempt staff accrue 8 hours of sick leave per month. New full-time exempt staff (w/ 40 front-load) accrue 5.09 hours of sick leave per month during the first 12 months of employment.
Sick hours balance must be below 480 hours to accrue additional hours.
Sick leave may be used for the following.
Preventative care
Illness or injury of the employee
Illness or injury of the employee's immediate family, living in the employee's home
Care for parents and parent in-laws, regardless of whether they are living in the employee's home
Vacation (Annual Leave)
Full-time exempt staff accrue 14.67 hours of vacation per month, for a total of 22 days per year. New full-time exempt staff (w/ 40 hour frontload) accrue 12.37 hours per month during the first 12 months of employment.
Vacation (Annual Leave) balance must be below 352 hours to accrue additional hours.
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Faculty Employees
Please contact the Associate Academic Vice President—Faculty Development.
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Part-Time Staff
Part-time staff are not provided paid leave. However, they may work with their supervisor to potentially adjust their schedule.