How to report leave Skip to main content

How to report leave

This is a step by step guide on how to report sick and vacation time

  • 1. Log into PeopleSoft by following this link.

    2. Under the "Self Serve" menu, click on the "Employee Time" tile.

    This is also where you can clock in and out of your shift.

    3. On the left side of the screen, select "Sick/Vacation Entry -Staff"

    4. Report any sick or vacation time used during the pay period. Once you are done, click on the green "Submit" button below.

    NOTE: You may only report sick and vacation time during the current pay period. Any sick or vacation time not submitted before the pay period ends will need to be input my your manager/ supervisor.

  • Administrative employees report all Vacation and sick leave used every month. At the beginning of the month the system should send you an email with instructions on how to report any leaves used for the previous month. If you don't receive these emails you can still report by following these instructions.

    1. Log into using your BYU login information.
    2. You will find the "Admin Sick/Vacation Time Reporting" link under the Employment section under "Favorite Links".

    NOTE: If you do not find this link you will need to add it to your favorites by clicking on the "Add Links" box at the bottom of the "Favorite Links" section.

    3. Report any sick or vacation time used during the previous month. If no time was used, make sure to click on the "No Time Taken" button on the right.

    4. Once you have reported your time, select "Submit" at the bottom of the screen.
    5. If a mistake has been made in reporting sick and vacation time, you can resubmit anytime during the month to override any previous reports submitted during that month.

  • The BYU App has two great tools to help Staff Employees manage sick and vacation time. With the "Sick/Vacation Balance" you can see how much vacation or sick leave you have accrued so far. The "Y-Time" app option can be used to clock in and out and report sick/vacation time. NOTE: The ability to report sick and vacation time is only available for staff employees, but staff and administrative employees can see their sick and vacation amount on the BYU App. Below are instructions to report sick and vacation time used.

    1. Select the Y-Time System
    2. Towards the bottom of the menu you will see the option to report either sick or vacation in the scroll menu. Then insert the desired time. You will then have the option to save changes.