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Promoting a Respectful Campus

Every two years the Equal Opportunity Manager is responsible for training all BYU departments in Promoting a Respectful Campus. This training is designed to help departments achieve an environment that is inspiring, comfortable, productive, and safe. The presentation addresses inappropriate gender-based behavior and unlawful discrimination, including what employees can do if they encounter such behavior. The goal is to see each employee in the department, including full-time/part-time faculty and staff trained on their responsibility regarding federal law and university policy.

The Equal Opportunity Assistant reaches out to individual departments to schedule these trainings every couple of years. However, departments are more than welcome to reach out to the assistant and schedule a training themselves at any time if they feel the training would be helpful.

Equal Opportunity Assistant

If you are unable to attend your department’s training, you are encouraged to watch the online training below in order to be familiar with and aware of the laws and policies surrounding discrimination and sexual misconduct.

For further information, see

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