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Questions to Ask in an Interview

The questions below will help you to find out more about the position and if it is a good fit for you. These questions might also help you to think of other good questions.

  • Can you explain how you let someone take a project and run with it?
  • How (and how often) do you deliver feedback? Can you provide examples?
  • Please explain your department's career development. What might I expect after, say, three years of excellent performance?
  • What do you see for this company in the future - particularly as it might impact on career opportunities?
  • What would I be expected to accomplish in the job we are discussing?*
  • If I were to fill this job, can you tell me what your expectations are for the incumbent in this position?*
  • What opportunities for advancement are typically available to people in this position?
  • Can you tell me why this position is vacant?
  • How does this position fit into the organizational structure?
  • How would you describe the management philosophy of this company?
  • What are this department's most important current projects?
  • How much autonomy would I have in this job?
  • How many subordinates would be under my direct supervision? Can you tell me something about these people?
  • Will you please tell me about the person I would report to and other key people I would be dealing with?

*Note: If you can weave these questions into an early segment of the interview, chances are you will learn what is important to the interviewer; you can then tailor your presentation accordingly.

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Interviewing Tips