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HR Business Partners

What HR Business Partners Do

HR Business Partners should be the first contact between departments and colleges and Human Resource Services. HR Business Partners provide guidance and support to managers and employees on issues related to organizational effectiveness, compensation, job descriptions, department reorganizations and minor employee relations issues.

Find Your HR Business Partner

Academic VP Offices Carl McCain
Administration VP & CFO Office Carl McCain
Advancement VP Office Carl McCain
Assessment & Planning Johnny Curl
BYU Police Emily Smith
BYU Security Emily Smith
BYU Store Emily Smith
Dean of Students (Campus Life) Johnny Curl
Dining Services Byron Noel
Enterprise Solutions Group Emily Smith
Financial Services Emily Smith
Human Resources Emily Smith
International Office Johnny Curl
Jerusalem Center Johnny Curl
Kennedy Center Johnny Curl
Laundry Services Byron Noel
MTC Dining Byron Noel
Office of Belonging Johnny Curl
Office of General Counsel Johnny Curl
Office of Information Technology (OIT) Chris Gallagher
Performing Arts Management Johnny Curl
Physical Facilities Rebecca Gridley
Print & Mail Byron Noel
Purchasing & Travel Emily Smith
Residence Life Byron Noel
Student Health Center Johnny Curl
Studio 1030 Emily Smith
Title IX Johnny Curl
University Communications Johnny Curl