Ending Your Employment Skip to main content

Ending Your Employment

Employment Termination Checkout

Terminating full-time staff and faculty, are required to complete the Employee Termination Checkout form. At least one day prior to the employment termination date, the department will give the Employee Termination Checkout form to the employee and instruct him or her to discuss post-termination benefits with Benefits Services. Contact Benefits Services at 801-422-4716 with any questions. Full-time faculty who are terminating must also submit to Faculty Relations, D-341 ASB, a Commitment to Resign Letter.

Before the employee departs, we would appreciate receiving feedback regarding various aspects of his or her employment experience. Please have your employee complete an Exit Survey (link below) before his or her last day of employment.


All retiring faculty and staff should contact the Retirement Specialist in Benefits Services to initiate the retirement process at least four (4) months before the desired retirement date.

Full-time faculty who are retiring must submit a Commitment to Retire Letter for Faculty to Faculty Relations, D-341 ASB. Full-time staff who are retiring must submit a Staff notification of Intent to Retire to Benefits Services, D-240 ASB.