Benefits Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the Benefits Services office? What is the telephone number?
A: D-240 ASB, 801-422-4716
Q: What is the telephone number for DMBA? Where is their website?
A: 1-800-777-3622,
Q: What do I do if I have a name change?
A: Bring the Social Security card showing your name change to the Benefits Services office (D-240 ASB) to fill out a Name Change form and receive a new ID card.
Q: How do I add my new baby to the insurance?
A: Add your child to your health and life insurance within 60 days of birth or adoption. Log on to the DMBA website using your DMBA Member ID# and Password. Use the link “My Plans” and then under “My Benefit Information” use the link Add/Remove Dependents. Please contact BYU Benefit Services for information on adding your child to the Supplemental Group Term Life (SGTL), 24-Hour Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D), or changing medical plans.
Q: Who do I contact with questions about BYU Disability?
A: The university Leaves Manager will answer your questions about short-term and long-term disability benefits. The Leaves Manager will help you to identify the income available from these sources and assist you in the application process. Contact the Benefits Services office at 801-422-4716.
Q: How do I add my new spouse to my employment benefits when I get married?
A: Within 60 days of the marriage, bring a copy of the state-issued marriage certificate to Benefits Services and complete the enrollment process. You can also log into the DMBA website for new spouse enrollment (you will need to provide a scanned copy of your marriage certificate).
Q: How long are my dependents eligible for DMBA medical, dental, and life insurance?
A: Dependents are eligible for DMBA medical, dental, and life insurance until the end of the month that they turn age 26. If a dependent has other insurance, such as insurance through an employer or a spouse's employer, please notify DMBA.
Q: Who do I contact regarding the death of a family member?
A: Please notify Benefits Services immediately following the death of a family member covered by benefits. A Benefits Services counselor will coordinate with BYU University Relations, Deseret Mutual, and TIAA/CREF. DMBA will send all necessary forms to you. If you have questions about the forms, a Benefits Counselor will assist you with the processing of the paperwork from DMBA.
Q: What happens to my benefits when I go on leave?
A: If you receive a University-approved leave (i.e., professional development, military service, ministerial service, illness, etc.) you should meet with a Benefits counselor to ensure that benefits will continue as desired and that proper premiums will continue to be paid.
Q: What are the eligibility requirements for my child's tuition benefit?
A: Full-time employees must be over the age of 30 or have five years of eligible service before dependents receive the tuition benefit. Dependents are eligible for the tuition benefit until completion of an undergraduate degree, 152 credit hours from any CES institution or age 30, regardless of marital status. The benefit is also available for dependents attending BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii and LDS Business College.
Q: What are the eligibility requirements for my child to get a BYU ID Card?
A: Dependents of full-time employees are eligible for a BYU ID card if they are between the ages of 6 and 30 and are unmarried.